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Kino Charlie

15-17 kwietnia 2005 r., Kino Charlie
15-17 April 2005, Charlie Cinema
15-17 avril 2005, Charlie Cinema

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Jury Members

Georg Gruber - educated as production manager of audiovisual works in Vienna, Rome and at the Film Academy Baden-Wurttemberg in Ludwigsburg. He cooperated with Wojtek Wawszczyk during the production of a famous film Mouse (2001) and an animated film Penguin (2002). At the moment Gruber and Wawszczyk are working on a project, whose results can be expected in 2006.

Gruber is a producer of animated films made in association with Sally Burton and Mathias Schreck, but also with Heidi Wittlinger, Chris Stenner and Arvid Uibel. The latter trio are the authors of Das Rad - the winner of the 1st Animated Film Festival ReAnimacja.

Apart from producing animated films, Gruber deals with producing TV documentaries (10 tage, ein Ganzes Leben, 2003) and short films (Fruher sind die hier noch geflogen, 2000).

Daniel Markowicz - the owner of Lightcraft - one of the most recognized and experienced Postproduction Houses in Poland. Lightcraft specializes in the field of 3D animation (Lightwave, 3Ds MAX, Maya), but it also offers to its clients high-end Offline (Avid Mediacomposer) and Online (Discreet Smoke 6) postproduction service. As far as feature films and commercials are concerned, Daniel Markowicz and his crew work in every possible standard - from PAL, through 2k/4k to IMAX. He is also the initiator of the first studio in Europe, which will have Prism ZEUS Online System installed as a support for Lightcraft's work.

During his fourteen-year career Daniel Markowicz has produced almost 500 Polish and foreign commercials in his company. He was the Creative Director and Postproduction Supervisor of 2D and 3D animation for more than 10 feature films, almost 500 video clips and non profit projects.

Daniel Markowicz is one of the members of the Jury of Animated Film Festival ReAnimacja in Łódź.

The cooperation with outstanding Polish and European Companies, as well as his vast personal achievements and experience make Daniel Markowicz a leading person in the Polish postproduction market.

Andrzej Lichota - graduated from the Department of Painting at the Art Academy in Kraków. He is a versatile artist as he deals with many art forms: painting, drawing, satirical drawing and animated films. He is the creator of a film portal (...) and he has shown his films both during screenings in Poland (among others: special screenings during Flash Film Festival in Warsaw, 1st Animated Film Festival ReAnimacja in Łódź, Olaf and OFFENSIVA) and abroad (special screenings in Budapest).

His satirical drawings were displayed during individual (Kraków, Warsaw, Wrocław, Katowice, Budapest) and collective exhibitions (from Yugoslavia, through Belgium and Poland to Italy). Lichota's drawings and paintings can be found, among others, in the collections of the Museum of Caricature in Warsaw, Copper Museum in Legnica, Raiffeisen Bank, SanofiSynthelabo, the Polish Institute in Budapest, Bank Zachodni and in private collections (Switzerland, France, Hungary, Great Britain).

Andrzej Lichota cooperates with POLITYKA, Dziennik Polski, PRZEKRÓJ and with Internet portal Interia.pl (a gallery of drawings: www.humor.interia.pl).

Wojciech Wawszczyk - graduated from PWSFTViT in Łódź (Directors of Photography Department, specialty: Animation) and Filmakademie in Ludwigsburg in Germany (Department of Computer Animation). He is an author of comics and satirical drawings. He made a few animated films, among others Headless (1999), Mouse (2001) and Penguin (2002), which were honored and awarded prizes at many foreign film festivals. He was a special guest of DAF festival in Tokyo (2003) and lectured on animation at the Art Academy in Warsaw (2003).

Wawszczyk is the author of music and sound to more than 40 students' films, among others to Koincydencja by Anna Kubik, for which he received an award. Together with Kamil Polak he started an association of animation authors Studio Ploi and with this group he co-made animated special effects to a dozen of commercials.

He animated people in Digital Domain Company (Los Angeles, USA) for Alex Proyas in his film I, Robot (2004) and in a promotional film for Walt Disney Productions. He led the group of animators during the production of film episodes for a computer game Fight Club at Prana studio (Bombay, India).

At the moment he is working on his own animated film Splinter (premiere at the beginning of 2006).

Marek Serafiński - is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Graphics Department, specialization: animated film; supervising professor: prof. Daniel Szczechura. In 1984 he graduated from PWSTFiTV in Łódź, Animated Film Department; supervising professor: prof. Mirosław Kijowicz. Since 2002 he has been heading the Animated Film Section of the Polish Filmmakers Association.

He is the author of screenplays, visual planning and animation of his own films. Unlike other animation authors, he likes tackling with social and political matters in his films, endowing them with surreal and grotesque form. Absurd humor coexists with tragedy and horror.

On account of his unique technique of realization, the films of Marek Serafiński are situated somewhere between dream and reality. He uses photography and engravings in his animation. The starting point is a set of photographs of actors. The author processes them and creates his own score of movement.

Marek Serafiński is the author of: SPEAKER (MÓWCA) (1981), STATION (DWORZEC) (1984), CONCERT (KONCERT) (1986) - award winner at a festival in Huesca, CONCRETE (BETON) (1987) - awarded a prize for animation at the festival in Kraków, RACE (WYŚCIG) (1989) - Grand Prix in Lipsk, special award in Annecy, EXAM (EGZAMIN) (1992), BIRTH (NARODZINY) (1995), HUMPS (GARBY) (1997), PROFESSIONAL (ZAWODOWIEC) (2004), SON OF STARS - under production.


21 - 27 kwietnia 2024 r.
10 - 19 maja 2024 r.


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